Press Releases and Published Articles

Rio Subway project - Jardim de Alah Station has released a video timelapse

The Consortium Rio Barra released a video in time lapse showing progress of the works between May 2013 and March 2014.

Click here to watch the video

Brasfond is certified to ISO 14001

The website "Grandes Construções" has highlighted new Brasfond's Certification.

Click here to see the clipping

Brasfond receives another international award

The DFI – Deep Foundations Institute – awards once again Brasfond Fundações Especiais S/A for the project in the São Paulo Subway - Line 5.

Click here to see the release

Fundações e Obras Geotécnicas Magazine

Foundations Applied to Environmental Geotechnics technologies (Tecnologias de Fundações Aplicadas à Geotecnia Ambiental), by M.Sc. Isabel F. Peter.

Click here to see the published article

Valor Econômico Newspaper

The Brasfond Group had an outstanding article in the Business section of the newspaper Valor Econômico.

Click here to see the published article


Diaphragm Wall with Hydromill – Vila Sônia Station - Linha 4 Amarela - São Paulo Subway

Diaphragm Wall with Hydromill – Jardim de Alah Station - Rio de Janeiro Subway

Diaphragm Wall with Hydromill – Brooklin Station - São Paulo Subway


Installation of reinforcement
