Social Responsibility

The Brasfond Group values the ethical and transparent conduct of the performance of its activities in accordance with the interests of employees, local communities, customers, suppliers, public authorities and society.

People are our driving force, our most valuable asset and key to our success. We understand the importance of steady development of our employees, and we know that our achievements are the result of consistent and continuous creation of opportunities for learning and self-development. The individual success of each employee reflects on the success of the entire group.

Under continuous commitment and concern for its employees and society, the Brasfond Group follows these guidelines:

Internal campaigns

Integrated Quality, Safety, Health and Environment Week and Vaccination Campaign for employees.

People Development

We support and encourage the enhancement of professional skills through various training programmes for our employees.

Support for culture

Brasfond supports the "Fletir" project through the Mendonça Law.

Social actions

Obra Social São Francisco Xavier, assists children aged 6 to 14 and promotes education and citizenship;
Casa São Vicente de Paulo, assists elderly women to achieve an improved lifestyle;
C.O.T.I.C. (Organized Centre of Intensive Care for Children), a shelter for infants and teenagers up to 18 years old.